When the New Year’s resolutions’ fever hits online casinos that is what happens

Online casinos have also been hit by the New Year’s resolutions’ fever, but unlike the rest of us those resolutions do not have anything to do with working out or eating healthy. The 2015 new resolution for casinos’ operators have to do with having healthier players by promoting responsible gambling. The latest report on the subject that was released in November 2014 was quite alarming, and it did not take long for the operators, along with the Senet Group, to partner up to remedy to this issue. Let us see what they have come up with this time!
The Senet campaign ‘When the fun stops, stop’
We are witnessing what is by far the biggest reunion of Senet Group’s members in a very long time. The group relied on the advertising company, The Corner, to promote its newest campaign dedicated to enlighten the entire gaming community about gambling risks and addiction. The campaign aims at sharing solutions to this matter, as well as, promoting the benefits of gambling in general while remaining in control.
This new message will be broadcasted on TV, games advertisement, as well as, on online casinos’ platforms. The Senet Group works hand in hand with the Gambleaware.co.uk, which is an organization that benefits from funds from the Responsible Gambling Trust.
« The campaign aims at sharing solutions to this matter, as well as, promoting the benefits of gambling in general, while remaining in control. »
The campaign shall start at the end of the month of January. It goes without saying that the group has made responsible gambling its priority for this new year of 2015. The Senet group’s chief executive also declared regarding this matter that: “Gambling operators supply fun and distraction for a vast public. However, if a player spends more money on games than he or she can actually afford, it can potentially lead to high levels of stress, irritation, culpability among other troubles. When the game stops feeling like an excitement, then at that point in time it is necessary to stop.”
The online casinos’ engagement
Several high profile bookmakers have agreed to this new initiative from the Senet Group watchdog. Among those operators you will find William Hill, Coral and Paddy Power as well as Ladbrokes. The online casinos have allowed advertisement on their platforms to enhance the legacy of this new campaign. The players that are familiar with these iGaming entities might have noticed it already, since a few bookmakers have started posting advertisement for responsible gaming starting 1 January 2015.
The Senet Group members are thrilled to have such prominent bookmakers on board with the project considering the growing influence of online casinos on all sorts of players. The operators have a privileged relationship with the players and benefit from a variety of tools that could detect players’ behaviors. The operators are now responsible for monitoring their members’ commitments to the games in order to prevent additions and loss of control while gambling. We salute this initiative, which makes us slightly eager to reconsider our own New Year’s resolutions that seem much more trivial in comparison with such a noble initiative. Thumbs up!